
Cyberpsychology & Emerging Technologies (CET) Team was started in Apr 2022. The team is working under Yuizono Laboratory in JAIST. Tzu-Yang Wang is the team leader, and Takaya Yuizono is the advisor.

As people's life is surrounded by technologies, we focus on how these emerging techologies shape and influence people in their daily life and work. There are two main goals in Cyberpsychology & Emerging Technologies Team: understanding people and augmenting people. For the first goal, we pay much attention on investigating how people interact with modern technologies in both psychological aspect and behavioral aspect. By conducting psychological and behavioral experiments and applying both objective measurement (eye tracking, biosignal sensing, and motion tracking) and subjective evaluation, we investigate and model people's perception, cognition, and behavior while they are using these emerging technologies. For the second goal, we are also interested in improving and developing novel and emerging technologies to alter people's behavior and strengthen people's ability, and result in a better user experience and QoL (Quality of Life).

Keywords: Cyberpsychology, HCI, CSCW, Ergonomics, Experimental Psychology

Research Topic

Remote communication and collaboration is an important aspect for modern world. Different from face-to-face, people from different location use PC and other devices to exchange information and collaborate with each other. There are various types of remote collaboration, such as remote conference, remote instruction, remote education, online game, etc.

Instead of conventional teleconferencing tools (such as Zoom, WebEx), xR (Extended Reality) offer people chances to involve not only verbal channel but also nonverbal behavior. However, in such cases, people behave differently and still often encounter difficulties of situation awareness and information understanding. Thus, in this research topic, we investigate people's cognition and behavior while using such xR-based remote collaboation tools. Further, we also aim at developing novel xR-based remote collaboration tools to improve the quality of remote collaboration.

In daily life, people always have to interact with different devices and applications, such as PC, smartphone, smartspeakers, and their apps. It is important that these technologies can really assist people or even augment human ability. At a basic level, we are interested in usability of these technologies and focus on implementing novel interaction method to improve the interaction between people and technologies. Furthermore, we also aim at integrating machine learning methods to enhance the possibility of these technologies.

Virtual reality technologies, such as head mounted displays(HMDs), allow user to enter virtual environment immersively. However, regardless the quality of the VR technologies, people perceive visual information in VR differently compared with real world. One well-known phenomenon is that the distance is often compressed in VR; in other words, the distance is often underestimated in VR. In addition to visual information, another issue is that the source of sensory information are normally different. User receive visual information from VR while receiving other sensory information from real world. It is important to understand how people perceive and integrate these information.

In this research topic, we focus on investigating perception and ergonomic issue while people are using VR. Psychophysic method and other experimental psyhological methods are applied, and we aim at clarifying people's mechanism of perception.


Co-advised Students in My Team
Social Extended Reality
Novel Interaction Technology
厳旭 (Xu Yan)
Remote Collaboration
王子鈺 (Ziyu Wang)
Novel Interaction Technology
Bingcheng Ke
Remote Collaboration
Other Co-advised Students
Qi Zhou M2
Zhaoxin Zuo M2
Novel Interaction Technology
人見 健三郎 D2
Xiaoling Yu D2
Fei Wang D2
Yingzhi Wang D2
Experimental Psychology
Jia Xia D2

Call for Students

興味がある方へ For student who is interested in joining my team

CETチームは,通年博士前期課程または博士後期課程の学生を募集しています。 研究期間中,学生は,毎週チームの輪読会・ミーティングに参加し,国際会議・国際ジャーナルの論文をサーベイ・精読して,学術的に意義のある研究プロジェクトを計画・実施することが求められています。 博士前期課程レベルのプロジェクトでは,目安として2つの課題(下記を参照)を実施することが求められ,国際会議への投稿が強く推奨されます。 一方,博士後期課程では,目安として3,4つの課題と,一流な国際会議・国際ジャーナルへの投稿・受理実績が要求されます。

研究の種類によって,博士前期課程の研究スケジュールが異なるため,主に「人を理解する」タイプの研究と「人を拡張する」タイプに分けます。 前者は二つの実験が含まれる一方,後者はシステムの開発と評価実験が含まれます。 以下はそれぞれの博士前期課程学生の理想的な研究スケジュールの例です。また,博士後期課程の場合,テーマによって大分変わりますので,ここに挙げません。


CETチームへの参加を希望して,すでにこのチームに関連する具体的な研究テーマをお持ちの方は,履歴書,シンプルな研究計画書(1-2ページで結構)及び入学スケジュールを準備して,ご連絡ください。 一方,もし具体的な研究テーマがないが,上記の研究テーマに興味を持っている方は,こちらが可能なテーマ候補を提示する方法もあるため,どのテーマに興味を持つかについての情報を考えて,お気軽に相談ください。

連絡先: tywang[at mark] ([at mark]を@に置き換えてください)

Cyberpsychology & Emerging Technologies Team always welcome new master students and Ph.D. students. In our team, every student has to attend a group meeting every week. The students are required to read lots of top international conference and journal papers and plan/conduct meaningful research. For a master student's research project, it often contain two studies, and master students are encouraged to submit their work to international conferences. For a Ph.D student, they usually have to conduct 3 or 4 studies, and they are required to publish their work in top international conference or journal.

Research schedule of master students varies according to the type of research, but it mostly can be categorized to "Understanding People" and "Augmenting People". The former one often includes two experiments, and the latter one often includes system development and evaluation. Following shows two typical types of research schedule for the two research types. Note that the research schedule changes a lot according to different Ph.D students, so there is no typical research schedule for Ph.D students.

"Understanding People"
M1 Spring:Literature Review,Deciding Research Topic
M1 Fall:Study1 Experimental Design, System Development, and Conducting the Experiment
M2 Spring:Study1 Data Analysis and Discussion, Study 2 Experimental Design and System Development
M2 Fall:Study2 Data Analysis and Discussion and Writing Master Thesis
"Augmenting People"
M1 Spring:Literature Review,Deciding Research Topic
M1 Fall:Proposed System Design and Implementation
M2 Spring:Evaluation Experiment Design, Conducting, and Data Analysis
M2 Fall:Proposed System Improvement and Writing Master Thesis

If you are interested in joining the CET team and already have a specific research theme relevant to this team, please contact us with your CV, a simple research proposal (1-2 pages is fine), and your admission schedule. On the other hand, if you do not have a specific research theme but are interested in one of the above-mentioned research topics, please feel free to contact us with some information about which topics interest you, as we can provide you with possible candidates.

mail: tywang[at mark] (Please replace [at mark] with @)

必要な能力 Required qualifications
Able to speak fluent English or Japanese
A strong interest in human-computer interaction
望ましい能力 Preferred qualifications
Experience conducting human experiment
プログラミング能力(C#, Python, Javascriptなど) 
Programming experience in programming language including, but not limited to C#, python, javascript
Background in experimental psychology, human-computer interaction, mixed reality, ergonomic, or machine learning/AI
Knowledge about statistical data analysis