連絡先: tywang[at mark]jaist.ac.jp ([at mark]を@に置き換えてください)
Cyberpsychology & Emerging Technologies Team always welcome new master students and Ph.D. students.
In our team, every student has to attend a group meeting every week. The students are required to read lots of top international conference and journal papers and plan/conduct meaningful research.
For a master student's research project, it often contain two studies, and master students are encouraged to submit their work to international conferences.
For a Ph.D student, they usually have to conduct 3 or 4 studies, and they are required to publish their work in top international conference or journal.
Research schedule of master students varies according to the type of research, but it mostly can be categorized to "Understanding People" and "Augmenting People".
The former one often includes two experiments, and the latter one often includes system development and evaluation.
Following shows two typical types of research schedule for the two research types. Note that the research schedule changes a lot according to different Ph.D students, so there is no typical research schedule for Ph.D students.
"Understanding People"
M1 Spring:Literature Review,Deciding Research Topic
M1 Fall:Study1 Experimental Design, System Development, and Conducting the Experiment
M2 Spring:Study1 Data Analysis and Discussion, Study 2 Experimental Design and System Development
M2 Fall:Study2 Data Analysis and Discussion and Writing Master Thesis
"Augmenting People"
M1 Spring:Literature Review,Deciding Research Topic
M1 Fall:Proposed System Design and Implementation
M2 Spring:Evaluation Experiment Design, Conducting, and Data Analysis
M2 Fall:Proposed System Improvement and Writing Master Thesis
If you are interested in joining the CET team and already have a specific research theme relevant to this team, please contact us with your CV, a simple research proposal (1-2 pages is fine), and your admission schedule.
On the other hand, if you do not have a specific research theme but are interested in one of the above-mentioned research topics, please feel free to contact us with some information about which topics interest you, as we can provide you with possible candidates.
mail: tywang[at mark]jaist.ac.jp (Please replace [at mark] with @)